DeLonghi EC5 4-Cup Espresso and Cappuccino Maker

“Create Your Own Specialty Coffees”

Making regular coffee at home can be a bit time-consuming. What more if you want to make a cup of cappuccino or a serving of espresso? Usually, people would just buy these specialty coffees in coffee shop so they could avoid the hassle of making one. But with the DeLonghi EC5 Steam-Driven 4-Cup Espresso and Cappuccino Maker, you could easily make your own espresso or cappuccino.

The DeLonghi EC5 Steam-Driven 4-Cup Espresso and Cappuccino Maker is a modern coffee machine that has features such as steam processing, safety cap, simultaneous two-cup capacity, jet frother with swivel, a switch that has an indicator light, 8.5 oz. glass carafe that is heat resistant and a detachable drip tray. This machine can make a maximum of four cups of cappuccino or espresso. Its swivel jet feature allows it to produce a thick froth that is needed for the perfect cappuccino. Its glass carafe is very durable and can withstand a lot of heat, which ensures maximum safety for the user.

DeLonghi EC5 Steam-Driven 4-Cup Espresso and Cappuccino MakerThe DeLonghi EC5 Steam-Driven 4-Cup Espresso and Cappuccino Maker has an attractive but simple design that would go well with a classic or contemporary kitchen. This is a classic looking piece that would look great on any kitchen countertop. This machine measure 11 ” by 11 by 8 ” and has limited warranty for one year.

Many coffee lovers believe that the DeLonghi EC5 Steam-Driven 4-Cup Espresso and Cappuccino Maker is a practical buy since it will lessen your visits to the local coffee shops and would save you a lot of money in the long run. If you really love cappuccino or espresso and a daily serving is not enough for you, then you should invest in the DeLonghi EC5 Steam-Driven 4-Cup Espresso and Cappuccino Maker so you would have an unlimited supply of all the coffee you want.

Problems with the DeLonghi EC5 Steam-Driven 4-Cup Espresso and Cappuccino Maker

Some people have complained that the frother of the DeLonghi EC5 Steam-Driven 4-Cup Espresso and Cappuccino Maker was not doing a good job. A few people have even resorted to buying a separate frothing pitcher to accompany this machine in order to jointly make a good cup of coffee. The frothing device of this machine needs more improvement. Another complaint was that the steaming wand is kind of difficult to manage at the start but it somehow gets easier to use in the long run. Some people even said that the instructions included with the DeLonghi EC5 Steam-Driven 4-Cup Espresso and Cappuccino Maker can be somewhat confusing.

Otherwise, many people love the DeLonghi EC5 Steam-Driven 4-Cup Espresso and Cappuccino Maker because it quickly makes espresso and cappuccino at your own convenience. This machine is not really that expensive considering all the included features. What other machine can produce two servings of cappuccino or espresso at the same time? The DeLonghi EC5 Steam-Driven 4-Cup Espresso and Cappuccino Maker is truly a great investment and a good addition to any coffee-loving household.

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  1. Esteban says

    I am looking for a DeLonghi EC-5 espresso machine brand new, if anybody know where I can buy one please let me know.

  2. Ruby says

    I bought this coffee machine today and I don’t know hot to use it. There’s a tutorial that can be helpful for me? Thanks you.

  3. Patti (PJ) says

    I bought my hubby a DeLonghi EC5 Cappuccino Machine for Christmas. I would like to buy the Cap. Mix to use in it also, but don’t know what kind to buy. I don’t drink them so I know nothing about them. How do I know what to look for? Thank you for your help.
    God Bless, and Merry Christmas.

  4. Maria E. says

    Was given one of these machines as a gift. Am having trouble frothing the milk. Instructions say when coffee becomes to drip, place steam nozzle in the milk, open the steam valve, move container up & down. Did this (several times), but milk does not froth. Seems there’s not enough steam to do the job. Maybe it’s cockpit trouble! Any help is appreciated.

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